Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Our Politicians have separated themselves from people by building a brick wall of greed. All conflict arises when communication breaks down. When this is ignored by our Politicians, we are in serious trouble. Conflict can turn into violence, riots on our streets and deaths. What kind of a future are our Politicians creating?

Friday, September 11, 2009


The mind is called a King. Look around at all that man has created, unbelievable beyond all comprehension. Some laws are morally wrong for society. It's a case of intellectualism gone stale. In the future you, your children and grandchildren will suffer. It may bring ruin and damnation upon its citizens.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Urgently Information about the future...........!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Are you like me snowed under by the number of emails that drop into your box? I wonder how many emails are our elected representatives receiving each week? I expect there are more email accounts in the country far higher than the population of Ireland?

I have signed up to a few newsletters and news websites. I gallop through them extracting what is vital and bin the rest. If I am under pressure I delete immediately. Full of the same news only written in a new way, most are selling items peppered with a bit of spice. People say, they have to and need to know all that is happening, but one cannot remember everything. Too much information, I don't need to know it all. What is the point? I can only retain and use a small amount. When sending emails, I don't use the draft box often enough. I park my email in it, return later, edit and then send. It helps to avoid making calamitous mistakes. Often, I prepare emails offline and paste into the draft box.

Maybe some of you are far better organised than I am, but the more files I have the harder it is to find something. Now what did I file that under, which one do I pick? Every so often I spend a few hours checking to see what can I delete? We live in an super information age.